2005-11-26 | Why is Merkel in vogue?
Wow, we’re living history! We are pope, we are soccer world cup, we are the backlight of Europe and... we are MRS chancellor! Someone say emancipation of women hasn’t worked! With her phenomenal election victory and her charismatic appearance Mrs Merkel has demonstrated that from now on, women are also accepted in the highest leading positions! She is the idol of all women who want to rough up the dowdy and sexist world of men. Nobody can say she won because of her female appeal and therefore she can be proud of herself twice! Because any chauvinistic macho pig assuming that Angela Merkel has only slept her way up into this job will just be sneered by everybody.
Thus and in more than one aspect, Angie is simply THE symbol for a new clean start in Germany. Even charismatic ex-chancellor and ladies’ man Gerhard Schröder couldn’t stand up to her anymore.
Every single try to intimidate her has failed and finally he had to throw the towel with a wet eye. Is this the actual change that highlights here? Will men finally be allowed to cry? Will the image of dure and tough men end in smoke during Mrs Stoib... err Merkel’s reign? The era of wo-mankind has come! And along with it all attributes characteristic of a woman.
Mrs Merkel is new, Mrs Merkel is fresh, Mrs Merkel is in vogue! How much more "Woman" will she give us? How about Mrs State Secretary? Or Mrs Chief of Police? Will she also make Germany become in vogue?
She’s got the reins now and once she cracks her whip, all men will only aspirate: "Angie, dominate us!"
2005-07-11 | Why is everything just getting worse in Germany?
Seriously, do you still believe in upswing? Would you feel up to making an effort so that Germany would finally dispose of its big "misery" or is it better to leave right away? And if you can’t leave, would you at least keep on complaining constantly about the situation and curse politics once and for all?
All corruption, overreaching, capitalism, the individual isn’t worth a dime anymore! In case you are not a business kingpin it’s better to bump you off because it’s all for nothing anyway! But wait... where do we have this knowledge from? Oh yes, newsapers, TV, and our loving people around us tell us that day after day. Good that we normal people are not to blame, it’s all the responsability of miserable political leadership! You and me, we just CAN’T do anything about it. So let’s resign and swim along with pessimism which drags us down even more!
But stop, then we would feel worse and worse and it would have consequences on our health, our motivation at work (in case we still have any) and our entire attitude to life. Pessimism is therefore completely unproductive! Nobody has ever told us that, right? So should WE labor more as well then?
WE? Inherently the chain is just as strong as its weakest link. Do we contribute to the "demise" of Germany in the end??? Do we destroy more by our attitude than we realize? This can’t be true!
It feels good to pretend that our conditions are almost as bad as in third world countries and that our situation is almost like as there, right? So let’s hope for back up while we are waiting.
We self are powerless. And when did you go vote for the last time? Huh, what for? Oh right, it doesn’t cut it anyway. True, if nobody goes...
2005-01-06 | Why everything gets better in the new year
Yippee, Happy New Year! Time to leave the old one behind you, forget about all that hasn’t worked out so well, because... well, here is the NEW year! Most people have already forgotten a fair part on January 1st, at least if they kept drinking a lot during the night.
And now? All fresh, all right from scratch once again! Time to go ahead with strong steps and make everything come true that you already wanted to do last year!
Only problem is: Why are some things so hard to attain? And why do we like to forget rather quickly about new year resolutions? As soon as you’ve successfully overcome your new year’s hangover, one or another may suddenly realize that some of the aims planned the other night are already hardly achievable from the start. Or you&rquo;re just too lazy to try and rather prefer sleeping a little more in the living-room chair. And wasn’t all actually quite ok the way it was? Does it have to be more anyhow? Yeah, come to think of it, let’s not get too agitated...
On the other hand, there are also those who have plans and finally succeed! Yeah yeah, with strong discipline and a little luck everything is possible. Furthermore, you can make yourself new goals every year because there are always some to find.
Yet it also happens that nothing got better than the year before and at last, you wonder: Ugh, why not again?! But then it already doesn’t matter anymore, because right at the end of the same day you tell yourself: NEXT year, everything will be better! And that thought counts, as you never know what is going to happen!