2009-12-25 | Funny X-Mas
What’s up with this year? So many crazy things have happened to me as hardly before. Also christmas day was an absolutely entertaining mixture! It began with me not thinking about what christmas gifts to buy until december 24 and then going downtown to the shopping malls. There I comfortably got everything I was looking for.
On the way back in the metro a perhaps 9 year-old boy, originally from Moscow, engaged me in an animated conversation about his new nintendo 64 and Pokemon games. His mother who sat next to him quietly for the whole time just smiled and didn’t seem to speak German (but I think she understood quite a lot). After a while the smart little brat ingeniously changed the subject to myself and eventually tried to hook me up with his quite older mother inviting me to visit his house and asking whether I would marry his mom.
After I managed to change the subject again rather (un-)skillfully they finally got up to exit the train two stations before me. He then still told me his address, hugged me and wished me a merry christmas. Perplexed, amused of the scene, and yet a bit moved by that moment I went on with the metro.
Just when I arrived home I suddenly got a call on my cellphone of an unknown fan of my audio play series who also wished me a merry christmas and thanked me for an autograph I had sent him a few weeks earlier on his request. When he started to ask for a photo and the script of the first episode as well, I had to draw in the reins once more, thwart the conversation and change the subject.
In the evening I then celebrated christmas at my brother’s and it was very nice. Afterwards I still went to the club "Flex" to celebrate a birthday and meet some friends. But before that, at around 1 am in the suburban train, I still got into a conversation with a guy who was approximatly my age. He was totally wasted and told me he used to be addicted to cocaine, got kicked out by his parents, and that he’d be on other pills right now, had stolen a nice jacket from a party and was randomly cruising around with the train on christmas eve now. After a quite pitiful talk I had to change trains without being able to comfort him much. Christmas, what have you done to me this year?