2011-12-22 | Let there be light
Finally! As of today, the sun returns to our climes and days are getting longer again. And thus in the pre-Christmas bustle we joyfully await the reunion with spring, summer, and comfortably warm kisses from sunrays!
Finally! As of today, the sun returns to our climes and days are getting longer again. And thus in the pre-Christmas bustle we joyfully await the reunion with spring, summer, and comfortably warm kisses from sunrays!
It’s official: We have reached the point where smartphones are smarter than their owners.
Do you know this situation? You lay down in your cozy bed at night, with raindrops quietly knocking on the window and you are hell-bent on continuing your latest novel. It is absolutely quiet in the house, the lights are pleasently dimmed. Time to get lost in the book’s story. You read the first lines and remember what has taken place so far. Suddenly, you’re five pages further and have no clue what happened. Why? After three sentences you suddenly thought of something else. Something has emerged from your subconscious which distracts you much more. You were thinking about it, but kept on reading at the same time and didn’t process the content of the sentences in your brain.
Duh, great. After all, it’s the book you are interested in! So let’s browse five pages back. Alright, new try! The book is entertaining, you manage to come back into the story. You devour 15 pages, then you stumble over a word. And find yourself startling from your thoughts once more three pages later, not having followed the plot of the book again. This time it was the word that made you stray.
Being annoyed, you put the book aside. You happen to be completely relaxed and undisturbed for once and then this stupid topic you didn’t even expect to still bother you has to surface from your subconscious. And the content of the book hasn’t even anything to do with it. - Pha!
You cast a longing look at the novel, think about trying to go on reading one last time. But before you manage to make a decision, the color of the book cover has already made you think about the other topic again.
Ok, that’s enough! You angrily switch off the lights, pull the blanket up under your chin and listen to the raindrops still pattering gently against the window pane. The monotonous rhythm makes you sleepy. Maybe next time you’ll succeed.
Seriously, would any intelligent human being really trust or rely on a person whose last name is Standard, Poor, or Moody?
When you pick up a person on the road of life and give her a ride in your heart, be sure to have enough gas in your tank when you pass through the desert of dreams.
Honestly, what’s the point of posting every dopy detail of our daily routine life on Facebook when people actually don’t give a rat’s ass about it anyway? Is it a lack of creativity in spending our spare time? Is it the need to feel important? Or is it the wish to actually communicate with others while avoiding direct communication in real life at the same time?
Finally it happened! For decades carnivors have been haunted by evil things like BSE, swine fever, rotting meat, bird flu, dioxin, hormones, and much more. At last, vegetarians and bio fetishists have their asses on the line. Regardless of whether the huge scaremongering is about cruel cucumbers, terrifying tomatoes or super deadly soy beans, the main thing is that we carnivors now finally have the chance to strike back after having suffered from the malicious comments of the vegetarian wiseacres for years.
And the extra perfidious is: One week after another a new suspicious veg is unmasked as a bad bugger. The secret revenge of the meat industry? A cunning game of cat-and-mouse? Well well, vegetarians have a hard time these days. While they are standing lost at the vegetable shelf and cry, we carnivors dauntlessly reach for the BSE-cutlet. THIS is retributive justice! While we are happily stuffed and slouching on the sofa after dinner, they already sit on the pot.
Well, enjoy your meal!