2007-06-24 | Light

When the sun turns away again, you need a gigantic fire to pay deference to the longest day and keep the light.
When the sun turns away again, you need a gigantic fire to pay deference to the longest day and keep the light.
It’s those saturdays. Those saturdays, on which you die to go out at night and do something, but then you don’t because noone has time or wants to join you and you think it wouldn’t be fun on your own.
It’s those saturdays, which you spend at home staring at the wall or writing such stupid entries to pass the time somehow.
It’s those saturdays, when you know you’re going to be pissed on sunday, as once again you haven’t done anything the days before and thus the weekend was nothing but a lame duck.
It’s those saturdays, which suck and annoy me and which I don’t want to have again.
It’s saturday, and again it’s one of those saturdays...
The young generation of Germans (around 11-15 years of age) seems to value love again! They love everything and everyone, are best friends and like to communicate expeditiously, especially in English language. Everything is cheerful sunshine!
Gone are the days of German sourpuss! From now on everyone in Germany will be your bf and everybody will love one another. Isn’t that a nice future outlook? Only Tokio Hotel haters will be stashed away, yet secretly and with a gentle, friendly stab in the back.
You now think "That’s all a hoax, totally crazy and this jerk is full of shit!"? Well, then take a look around and let yourself be won over by the the love of the young people! Everything will be fine! At least with the latest bag or sunglasses made by Dolce & Gabana.
It’s spring, everything is blooming, it’s great weather, very warm and you can lie down in your shorts again at the lake! So it shall be! Always!
Não dá para contar todas as estrelas no céu. Mas hoje eu sei que falta uma.