My Own Big World - Mind Salad

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  • The Coot and Michael Jackson
  • Magic and Illusion
  • New Homepage Layout
  • Because it brings joy

2014-03-07 | The Coot and Michael Jackson


I’m not sure yet how much it will change the world and the course of things, but nevertheless I want to share a groundbreaking scientific discovery with you that I happened to make this afternoon during a spontaneous bike ride.
So here we go: After having been driving around for a while, I reached a small lake and stopped on the waterfront to enjoy the view. I had the headphones of my MP3 player in my ears and it was just playing "Black or White" by Michael Jackson.

At that moment I noticed a couple of coots swimming across the lake, and suddenly it hit me like a punch: The head movement a coot makes whilst swimming (a back-and-forth wiggle of the skull),
correlates exactly with the rythm speed of the song "Black or White" by Michael Jackson!
More so, it seemed that the animals could hear the music from my headphones and would headbang to the beat.
But that’s not all: The most famous verse in the song says "It Don’t Matter If You’re Black Or White". Well, does that ring a bell? Right! Coots are black AND white! Thus they embody exactly the statement of the lyrics! Because they combine both colors. Therefore, I believe it is now undoubtedly proven that there’s a direct coherence between coots and Michael Jackson’s song "Black or White".

2014-02-28 | Magic and Illusion

A wondrous instant of a moment,
this one’s freestyle, that one’s trick.
Both of them are mesmerizing,
letting hearts lift high with wonder.
And once they even start to spark,
you hear dreams’ lustful moaning.

But who is who, and which is true?
The difference often is obscure.
And should illusion be that perfect
to let her shine deceive the truth,
then you can’t tell what’s behind it
’till you stop lying to yourself.
Thus a sharp eye is the answer
to bestead and help the heart,
for it to see, if any good,
which type of magic is involved.

If you are lucky and it’s real,
magic upholds its reputation.
But if it’s fake ​​and rouses woe,
then sadly it was just illusion
which, by greatly rehearsed acting,
lets even smart folks mount her throne.

(Note: As this is translated from a poem I originally wrote in German, I had to get rid of the rhymes in order to stay close to the text’s words and meaning.)

2014-02-07 | New Homepage Layout

Once again it was time for some new design and programming changes. The content however has not changed much. The guestbook has been included into the former "Circle Of Friends" section which in turn is now called "Community". I hope you enjoy the new layout.

2014-01-30 | Because it brings joy

An honest smile turns almost everyone into a mirror that reflects back the received light.